Mr. Wayne Vitale admits he had the original CMTaxpayers blog taken down. Even though he blogged more than anyone else! following is the text of an e-mail I received today from Mr. Patrick Clinger, the Founder, Owner and CEO of Inasmuch as there have been malicious and defamatory accusations circulating in certain quarters, I thought it appropriate, indeed necessary, to post it here. The message is self explanatory.
The forum was removed from our servers by ProBoards due to content which we determined may be libelous. This forum, to our current knowledge, was not in fact "hacked" as some have claimed.
One of our staff did mistakenly restore the web site thinking that it was not deleted by our staff, however they were incorrect in doing so. Since this revelation the site has been taken down again by our staff.
Patrick Clinger Posted by Wayne A. Vitale at 2/11/2009 11:50:00 PM Reactions:
1 comments: Center Moriches Resident said... Whoever was responsible for taking down the cmtaxpayer website, thank you. It looks like we have Mr. Clinger to thank. Most of the information contained on that website was a complete lie and the information was inaccurate. It is good to know now who "James" is as she has now been exposed. Everyone I have spoken to so far in this community, which is just a few dozen in the last few days, are all happy to see the website down. They all agreed the website served no purpose but to try and harm and defame people that work and live in our community.
Mr. Vitales blog also is responsible for dividing this community with his articles about "EM telling students to stay away from CMHS" . Unfortunantly our School Boards don't get along and have created a situation that is not in the best interest of the community.
i am quite certain that this article in todays presmm will backfire on him and show that his ego is bigger than this town. what he did was a childish act and he actions speak louder than words. yes he is responsible for dividing em and cm by his letter to the editor he had written. i believe i still have that article laying around somewhere. todays article just sealed his fate and the fate of any merger ever coming to light. no one now in em will want to merge knowing someone is sitting on the board as arrogant and pigheaded as him. his actions could make all em students not attend cm anymore. the board should justvote to impeach him from his actions. he's an elected official and should have thicker skin to deal with what people will be saying about him. it comes with the territory. and one time he wanted to run for brookhaven town council, well now he will never get to go onto higher office. no republican committee person will pick him, he's a loose cannon.