Today the Senate Democrats will meet to discuss the state budget. We must speak up now to ensure that the Fair Share Tax Reform bill is at the forefront of tomorrow's debates. Send a letter now!
The Fair Share Tax Reform bill will increase taxes on annual incomes exceeding $250,000 and generate $6 billion in new revenue which can be used to protect our children's education.
Governor Paterson's budget proposal includes a $2.5 billion cut for our children's schools but asks for nothing from the wealthy. We can not allow the budget to be balanced on the backs of our children.
The federal stimulus package will restore some of the education funding but it won't close the gap all the way. A Fair Share Tax Reform bill can provide the funding needed to help better prepare our children for college and the workforce.
Send a letter to Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith and your local senator NOW tell them to protect our schools and pass the Fair Share Tax Reform bill.
Speak up for fairness and speak up for the children!
United we CAN make the difference!
Executive Director, Alliance for Quality Education