I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the people of Center Moriches directly for allowing me to get to know so many of you over the past three years. I think you have a great school district, a great town and great people!
I will not be running for re-election to the school board in East Moriches. It was not an easy decision.
Dr. James and your school board, led by Joe McHeffey, have really done a great job at bringing your program to the next level, and there are more good things to come. Someday, I really believe, with different personalities involved, that there will be a marriage of the two districts. It is natural and will be for the better for both communities. We tried, but the timing was wrong.
I feel you were an asset to the East Moriches Board of Education and wished you would have reconsidered. I know that the petition process is complete and you can't change your mind. I wish you all the luck with hopes that you will return to the EM BOE.
Thank you for your support of the CM school district and community. I am saddened that you have given in to the WHB mantra and at the same time don't blame you..... I wish you well ....
Glenn, I have lived here long enough to remember when EM and CM were like one community.......the WHB crowd has managed to drive a deep wedge between us and I don't know when or if it can be removed. Our towns and schools are a natural match, a merger would benefit us all in the long run......you made an important contribution, good luck to you.
With both of you leaving the east moriches boe. The taxpayers of East Moriches are at a loss. Both of you always stood by the taxpayers and now with you both leaving we have no one there to be our voice. Like what Schoolboardwatcher stated. Please reconsider and stay on the board. Next year will be a better year to get rid of the dead weight. Please STAY !!
I just heard about this site and didn't believe what was said. Glenn, please don't leave the board . You are our MVP on that board and it would hurt the tax payers tremendous if you do not run for reelection. Please reconsider and stay. Yo should make it known about the bullying going on and how you are in the minority.
Mike Griffin and Steve Horbitiak were instrumental in sabotaging the Merger. It never had a chance as they instigated the WHB Mantra .
It's time for the State to come in and take over because this district is incompetent. As long as there is no oversite of ALL school boards - nepotism, impartialism, and incompetency will continue to exist.
Are you saying that those two are running for the board? If that is the case, the people of EM may as well just empty their pockets and give everything they have to WHB and get it over with, because that is what will happen to them. I am glad that I don't live there.....and to think I almost purchased a home there - I fortunately dodged that bullet!
To all of you that wrote here, emailed and called, I truly thank you.
While I was asked to reconsider, the decision to not run stands. There are many reasons why, but none of them have to do with the things I stood and stand for; a better program, lower taxes, restored faith in a system filled with difficulties. More so, none of them have to do with the support people like yourselves showed in me, for which I am forever grateful.
There is one more budget process to go through. Turn out on Wednesday to share your views!
Tomorrow is always another day, filled with the promise of renewed hope and friendship. It is an opportunity to embrace a positive outlook for whatever path lies ahead!
Let's all move forward and strive to do great things!!
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the people of Center Moriches directly for allowing me to get to know so many of you over the past three years. I think you have a great school district, a great town and great people!
I will not be running for re-election to the school board in East Moriches. It was not an easy decision.
Dr. James and your school board, led by Joe McHeffey, have really done a great job at bringing your program to the next level, and there are more good things to come. Someday, I really believe, with different personalities involved, that there will be a marriage of the two districts. It is natural and will be for the better for both communities. We tried, but the timing was wrong.
Good luck to all of you.
Your friend,
Glenn Neuschwender
Glenn it seems like you want people to know your the emo bus driver.
RE: The Merger No one ever said "Well, well, well" the three different times WHB students were arrested for drug use this past year alone, including two from East Moriches. The East Moriches residents who would do or die for WHB are pathetic. They are so insecure in themselves and their ability to partner in a real school district with CM, including having their own high school program, that they will take any attempt available to slam CM while WHB festers in its own crap right under their noses.
There are issues in every district. I find it very hard to believe that for a district like CM, that has received special recognition from NYS the past three years for their program is suddenly so inept.