WELCOME HOME Wounded Warrior Corporal Chris Levi, US Army Saturday, May 16th 2009 Adelwerth Bus will depart from Center Moriches HS at 12 noon Please sign up – Let’s fill the bus! If the bus is full we will have cars following the bus. We will be on the corner of Vets Hwy & Broadway Avenue. Chris, 26, a Holbrook native and former Sachem student, suffered the loss of both legs above the knees and the use of his right arm while fighting in Iraq. Finally, after a long recuperation at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington D.C., he is coming home to Holbrook. He will arrive at Long Island MacArthur Airport at 12:30 pm on Saturday, May 16th. We would like the streets to be lined with people from the community, starting from Mollie Boulevard in Holbrook, all the way down Broadway Avenue to Veterans’ Highway.
Students will call to be picked up when we are back on the bus to Center Moriches High School – best estimate is 2pm. You must bring the attached permission slip to get on the bus. For more information call Kim Nolan 631-987-0213