2. Superintendent’s Report Ø College Board Presentation: Springboard (Pre-AP Course Work for Grades 6 – 9) Ø Guidance Report: College Acceptance Yearbook Presentation Ø Tenure Presentation Ø Break: “Celebration” and Cake
3. Legislative Report
4. Public Question & Comment Period
5. Minutes – Regular Meeting of May 20, 2009 Regular Meeting of June 3, 2009
6. Leaves of Absence
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following leave(s) of absence which are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Center Moriches FMLA policy: 06/17/09 6. Leaves of Absence (continued)
Name Position/Building Effective Date Tracy Sigerson Paraprofessional (.5) 09/01/09-06/30/10 (tentative)
7. Substitutes: 2008-2009 School Year
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education appoints the following individuals as substitutes for the 2008-2009 school year, as follows:
Name Type/Building Effective Date Caitlin Burke Per Diem Substitute Secondary 06/18/09-06/30/09
8. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff
The District recently advertised for candidates to fill various teacher and support staff vacancies for 2008-2009. Candidates were interviewed by committees, building principals, and/or the superintendent.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following appointments:
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building Yvonne Adams Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Deborah Adelwerth Grade 5 Moving-Up Ceremony Chaperone 06/22/09 Elem Peter Barraud Grade 4 Science Fair Chaperone 06/04/09 Elem Dorothy Brown Grade 5 Moving-Up Ceremony Chaperone 06/22/09 Elem Dorothy Brown Grade 4 Science Fair Chaperone 06/04/09 Elem Peter Barruad Grade 4 Science Fair Chaperone 06/04/09 Elem Eileen Chappell Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Nicholas DeCillis Director of Health, Physical Education & Athletics 07/01/09 DW Deborah Fey Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Nancy Harkin Grade 5 Moving-Up Ceremony Chaperone 06/22/09 Elem Laura Horan Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem
8. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff (continued)
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building Becky Huey Grade 5 Moving-Up Ceremony Chaperone 06/22/09 Elem Joy Montecalvo Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Holly Moore Kindergarten Registration 03/25/09 Elem Marissa Morris Behavioral Consultant 8:1:1 (K-12) 09/01/09-06/30/10 DW Leslie Murray Prekindergarten & Kindergarten Registration 03/25/09 05/13/09 DW Arlene Oldham Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Donna Perna Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Byron Preston Memorial Day Parade Chaperone 05/25/09 HS Richard Roberts Red & White Night Chaperone 04/17/09 HS Jason Roy Memorial Day Parade Chaperone 05/25/09 HS Gloria Ruppert Substitute Athletic Director 07/01/09 DW Jamie Sarubbi Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Barbara Slavin Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Debra Schaefer Summer Clerical 07/01/09-09/04/09 Elem Tracy Sigerson Leave Replacement Special Education Teacher Assistant (.5) 09/01/09-06/30/10 or until no longer needed Elem Tracy Sigerson Probationary Sp. Ed. Teacher Assist (.5) 09/01/09 Elem Phillip Tozzi Red & White Night Chaperone 04/17/09 HS William Wegener Pasta Night Chaperone 04/02/09 HS William Wegener St. Patrick’s Day Parade Chaperone 03/15/09 HS William Wegener Winter Concert Chaperone 03/12/09 HS
06/17/09 8. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff (continued)
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building William Wegener Spring Concert Chaperone 05/14/09 HS SUMMER AUTISM PROGRAM Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building Mackenzie Jones Paraprofessional 8:1:1 Summer Autism Program 07/06/09-08/14/09 Elem Devon Ponticello Paraprofessional 8:1:1 Summer Autism Program 07/06/09-08/14/09 Elem Megan Rowland Paraprofessional Summer Autism Program 07/06/09-08/14/09 Elem Gail Schumpf Paraprofessional Summer Autism Program 07/06/09-08/14/09 Elem Kimberly Snedecor Paraprofessional Summer Autism Program 07/06/09-08/14/09 Elem Mary Wysocki Paraprofessional Summer Autism Program 07/06/09-08/14/09 Elem
9. Tenure
In New York State individuals are eligible for a recommendation for tenure status by the Superintendent after a completion of three years’ successful service in the district, or, if previously tenured in another district, after two years. The staff members listed below have been the recipients of positive evaluations from their immediate supervisors and are recommended for tenure status.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the tenure appointment of the following individuals:
Employee Tenure Effective Date Kristin Amcher Special Education 09/01/09 Ashley Carpin Special Education 09/01/09 Ashley Foster Special Education 09/15/09 Heather Moran Elementary Education 10/01/09 Oana Curticapean Languages Other Than English Education 12/19/09 Brenda Blumberg Art Education 01/15/10 Stephen Temme Elementary Education 01/15/10
10. Medical Inspector
RECOMMENDED ACTION: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Dr. Martin Drooker be appointed to serve as a medical inspector for the Board of Education of the Center Moriches Union Free School District pursuant to Education Law Section 913; and be it further RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 913 of the Education Law, the individual referred to in the confidential exhibit is directed to report for a medical examination to Dr. Drooker and/or Dr. Shah, the District’s appointed medical doctor, in order to determine the capacity of such person to perform her duties as an employee of the Center Moriches Union Free School District, the said medical examination to be before Dr. Shah at his office located at 1866 Wading River Road, Wading River, New York 11792 on _________, 2009, at ______ a.m./p.m.; and/or Dr. Drooker located at The Mount Sinai Medical Center, One Gustave Levy Place, New York, NY 10029 on __________, 2009, at ________ a.m./p.m. and it is hereby further RESOLVED that said individual is directed to produce at said medical examination any and all medical records related to the present state of the individual’s health.
11. Payment Authorization
The Board of Education has appointed an Independent Claims Auditor to review bills and authorize the processing of payment during the period between Board of Education meetings.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the report by the Independent Claims Auditor for the month of May 2009 and authorizes payment of the monthly bills listed on Warrants for the month of May 2009, as audited by the Independent Claims Auditor as follows:
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following salary moves on the salary schedule, effective September 1, 2009:
Names From To Kevin Scott A/2 B/2
13. Disposition of Records and Equipment
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the disposition of records and equipment. 06/17/09 14. Monthly Activity Report
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the Activity Treasurer’s Report for the month of April 2009.
15. Contracts
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts, as well as at the established cost contained in said contracts:
Memorandum of Agreement – Family Counseling Services (2009-2010) Instructional Services Contract (2009-2010) Rocky Point UFSD (4 students) Instructional Services Contract 2009 Summer Program Rocky Point UFSD (4 students) East Quogue UFSD Extension of Contract for Pupil Transportation (2009-2010) CBIZ – District-wide Inventory (2009-2010) Ultimate Power – RFP – Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (CMS 09-08) Ultimate Power – RFP – District-Wide Boiler Technician Program (CMS 09-06) Puccio Electric – RFP – Exterior Lighting Maintenance & Repair (CMS-09-07) Employee Contracts Lynda Adams, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (Grades 6 – 12) John Allen, Administrative Assistant and Grants Coordinator Debra Banducci, Data Management Specialist Nicholas DeCillis, Athletic Director Nicole Theo, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (Pre-K – Grade 8)
16. Board of Education Meeting Date (2009-2010)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approve the following Board of Education meeting dates for the 2009-2010 academic year:
Reorganization Meeting: July _____, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.; and Regular Meeting: August _______, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
17. Building Use Summary
Building use forms for upcoming activities.
18. Adjournment It is likely that the Board of Education will move to enter into Executive Session immediately upon adjournment of Public Session. NOTE: ADDITIONAL ITEMS MAY BE ADDED TO THIS AGENDA.
Part time Athletic Director?
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
WHERE IS GLORIA RUPPERT ON THIS LIST???? She is the assistant Athletic Director with Mr. DeCillis . Does this mean we are going to have a part time A.D.????
15. Contracts
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts, as well as at the established cost contained in said contracts:
Lynda Adams, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (Grades 6 – 12) John Allen, Administrative Assistant and Grants Coordinator Debra Banducci, Data Management Specialist ****** Nicholas DeCillis, Athletic Director Nicole Theo, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (Pre-K – Grade 8)
good riddance
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
That is when they will do their first half of the year tenured teachers to slip them in unnoticed. So if his tenure won't take place until January why grant it to him now ? Jumping the gun as usual BOE.
slipping in the wife too
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
last nights board meeting had some heated discussions about the board moving the start times for the high school to 8am. what better to teach a kid to get up early for school . the start time at 7:10am was good for high school students. it teachers then discipline. what employer is going to give the ok for a new hire to come to work an hour later because you are too tired in the morning to perform your duties. None !!!! teach them while they are young. the start times now aren't broken so why change it and fix it???? bad decisions after another have been displayed and demonstrated by the board if education. the one of many was the hiring of an associate principal. leave the start times the way they are now!!
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
Research has proven that teens need to get more sleep. I applaud the BOE for looking to be proactive. Studies have proven that later start times leads to higher achieving students.
Early to bed Early to rise
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
I think this whole time change will back fire not only on the Board but on th ewhole district as well. Kids need to be taught responsibity and not catered to. If i told my boss to change my work start time to an hour later, he would tell me there's the door, you're fired ! what is this teaching the kids ?
Done deal again
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
I have a Freshman and over 4 years that means 4 less electives on their transcripts! So when these kids graduate and are competing against other school graduates they will have 4 less electives on their resumes! WHB and EP still have a 9 period day so that's one more reason for EM students not to choose CM!
If sleeping in is their only reason than they really need to keep it the way it is!
You can make a bet that if McHeffey still had his children in HS school it never would have been an option! He was very rude and they have no intention of keeping the 9 periods. You would think Finnegan and Vitale would dissagree because it will hurt their kids!
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
Research has proven that teens need to get more sleep. I applaud the BOE for looking to be proactive. Studies have proven that later start times leads to higher achieving students.
Then why are the keeping Middle school a 10 period day? ?? How come the HS kids can't keep first period as a band and chorus period?
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
I have a Freshman and over 4 years that means 4 less electives on their transcripts! So when these kids graduate and are competing against other school graduates they will have 4 less electives on their resumes! WHB and EP still have a 9 period day so that's one more reason for EM students not to choose CM!
If sleeping in is their only reason than they really need to keep it the way it is!
You can make a bet that if McHeffey still had his children in HS school it never would have been an option! He was very rude and they have no intention of keeping the 9 periods. You would think Finnegan and Vitale would dissagree because it will hurt their kids!
They don't have enough balls to go up against McHeffey. But 2 individuals in the audience did. Platt was told she was out of line by Mcheffey when she said that this change will hurt the students. and that they were simply catering to the lazy kids in the school. Something doesn't seem right with this change.
RE: Agenda for Board of Education meeting on June 17th
last nights board meeting had some heated discussions about the board moving the start times for the high school to 8am. what better to teach a kid to get up early for school . the start time at 7:10am was good for high school students. it teachers then discipline. what employer is going to give the ok for a new hire to come to work an hour later because you are too tired in the morning to perform your duties. None !!!! teach them while they are young. the start times now aren't broken so why change it and fix it???? bad decisions after another have been displayed and demonstrated by the board if education. the one of many was the hiring of an associate principal. leave the start times the way they are now!!
WOW ! Teachers then discipline? OMG no-wonder the kids are messed up