RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following leave(s) of absence which are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Center Moriches FMLA policy:
Name Position/Building Effective Date Lillian Wain Elementary Teacher 03/30/09-06/30/10
7. Name Change
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the following name change:
Former Name Current Name Effective Date Katiuscia Balan Katiuscia Penny 10/23/09
8. Resignation
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the following resignations:
Name Position Effective Date (At the Close of Business) Irene Navas Music Idol Chaperone 10/28/09 Judith Martins Part-Time Clerk Typist
Substitute Caller 10/12/09
10/12/09 Thomas Marzagalli Sophomore Class Advisor 09/01/09 Robert Peterson HS Musical Vocal Coach 10/13/09
9. Termination
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education effects the following termination:
Name Position Effective Date (At the Close of Business) Steven Benes P/T Maintenance Mechanic 10/23/09
10. Substitutes: 2009-2010 School Year
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education appoints the following individuals as substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year, as follows:
Name Type/Building Effective Date Holly Bittner Per Diem Substitute Secondary 11/05/09-06/30/10 Jodi Cameron Per Diem Substitute Secondary 10/26/09-06/30/10 Anthony Chernis Per Diem Substitute Secondary 10/22/09-06/30/10 Katheryn DeCastro Permanent Substitute Elementary 10/07/09 -06/30/10
11. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff
The District recently advertised for candidates to fill various teacher and support staff vacancies for 2009-2010. Candidates were interviewed by committees, building principals, and/or the superintendent.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following appointments: 11/04/09
11. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff (continued)
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building Debra Banducci Music Idol Chaperone 10/29/09 HS William Bensberg Musical Vocal Coach Advisor 11/04/09-06/30/10 HS Jasmine BielicFrasco Harvest Dance Chaperone 11/06/09 MS Timothy Clancy Harvest Dance Chaperone 11/06/09 MS Loran Coppola Tutor (Poospatuck Reservation) 2009-2010 DW Maria Estes Substitute Recess/Lunch Monitor 11/04/09-06/30/10 Elem Patricia FlynnTrace Sophomore CoAdvisor 2009-2010 HS Jacqueline Goodwin Harvest Dance Chaperone 11/06/09 MS Teresa Horoszewski Harvest Dance Chaperone 11/06/09 MS Michael Koscinski Sophomore CoAdvisor 2009-2010 HS Ana Lara Parent-Child Home Visitor 11/16/09-05/27/10 DW Jeffrey LeBlanc Volunteer Boys’ Varsity Volleyball Coach Fall 2009 HS Suzan Monell AIS Tutor 10/06/09-01/29/10 Elem Sharon Pickney Tutor Assistant (Poospatuck Reservation) 2009-2010 DW Gail Strebel Parent-Child Home Visitor 11/16/09-05/27/10 DW Cynthia M. White Security Officer 10/22/09-06/30/10 DW
12. Salary Moves
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following salary moves on the salary schedule, effective September 1, 2009:
12. Salary Moves (continued)
Names From To Kristin Amcher D/4 E/4 Cari Ann Cohn F/5 G/5 Michele Freda G/13 H/13
13. Contracts
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts, as well as at the established cost contained in said contracts:
Complete Rehabilitation Consultants, Inc. Addendum (2009 – 2010).
14. Disposition of Records and Equipment
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the disposition of records and/or equipment.
15. Donation
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the following donation:
v Lexmark printer from Dr. Donald James (estimated value of $75).
16. CPSE/CSE – Recommendations
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committees on Special Education and Preschool Special Education for the month of September 2009.
17. Emergency Preparedness Committee Member – 2009-2010
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following individual as a member of the 20092010 Emergency Preparedness Committee:
Arthur Gerhauser. 11/04/09
18. Committee Charges – 2009-2010
A. RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following 2009-2010 charge for the Emergency Preparedness Committee:
A number of securityrelated best practices that have achieved significant and successful results, have been compiled and categorized in easilyreferenced fields. They are provided as potential tools and strategies for use and by no means should be considered “end alls.” They may be utilized by themselves or with other strategies, as deemed prudent. It should be understood that circumstances might require the use of additional strategies beyond those illustrated in this document.
The course of action to complete this safety and security strategy includes, but is not limited to, the following objectives:
· An awareness program for administrators, faculty, staff, students, and family members through the explanation of precursors and indicators of potential terrorist and potential criminal behavior, article reviews, discussion, and video highlights. The targeted or highlighted crimes include sexual crimes and child exploitation, arson, identifying a gang presence, general criminal behavior that may forecast specific crimes such as terrorism, and Internet and cyber safety for children, young adults, and school facilities.
· Regional seminars with administrators and faculty to discuss safety and security issues including, but not limited to the best practices of:
Ø Physical Security and Access Control; Ø Visitor ID Programs; Ø After-Hour Security; Ø Technological Remedies; Ø Telephone Protocols; Ø Mailroom Protocols; Ø School Bus Identification and Tracking Methods; and Ø Drills.
· Vulnerability and risk assessments of every school followed with recommendations.
· Annual report and review in collaboration with primary police departments within each Counter-Terrorism Zone.
· Establishing additional school security assessments and reports through legislative action. 11/04/09 18. Committee Charges – 2009-2010 (continued)
· Developing trained personnel capable of risk and vulnerability assessments and implementation of additional security strategies.
· Scheduling different types of security drills and tabletop exercises with law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and other emergency support services followed by critiques.
Publishing articles on multi-hazard emergency preparedness, safety and security in school newsletters and other relevant periodicals or journals.
B. RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following 2009-2010 charge for the Health and Wellness Committee:
The Health and Wellness Committee will assist the Board of Education in developing a comprehensive program to address the health and wellness of our PreK – 12 students. Research shows that childhood obesity and diseases associated with increased weight are on the rise. A recent study showed that incidences of food allergies and sensitivities doubled from 1997 to 2002 as well. New state and federal laws also require individual school districts to develop policies covering student nutrition and fitness. Therefore, the committee will:
1. Evaluate and report on the district’s current state of health and wellness, including, but not limited to, the food service program, snack machines, fundraising activities, and the physical fitness and health curricula.
2. Research the current literature on childhood obesity and allergies in order to clearly define the problem.
3. Research other school district’s health and wellness policies as well as best practices in regards to programs that have been instituted.
4. Develop scope and sequences for Pre-K – 12 nutrition and fitness programs.
5. Suggest policies pertaining to health and wellness, which the Board of Education might implement.