1%-1.5% spending increase,reduction in staff reported in The Press.
Dr. Russo and the BOE have done a great job getting the district back on track.
Small class size, choice of 3 excellent high schools, and money in the reserve fund.
They did no such thing. Obama and Pelosi with their bailout money (ARRA) saved the district for another two years. If it weren't for those handouts, the state wouldn't have the money to fund state aid and EMO and other districts would have their hands out for double-digit tax increases.
The Obama Zombies need to get their left-wing heads out of their butts and realize there is no such thing as a free lunch. Sooner or later those that are producing so that others can take will have had enough. November can't come fast enough.
The ARRA money did not just save EM, but saved ALL districts across NY. 2011-12 will be a year of reckoning as it does not appear that NYS will restore the aid cuts that ARRA money provided for. Unless NYS restores aid, everyone is is going to have serious cuts across the board.
So, we can all sit on our couches and not attend board meetings or write our legislators, OR, you can attend meetings and voice your concerns to all of your elected officials.
There are no BOE members on the EM Finance Committee.
If your school district has BOE members serving on the Finance Committee
(posts say CM has conflicts) I suggest contacting NYSED, Suffolk County DA, John Hildebrand/Newsday. This practice is NOT supported by NYSED guidelines and raises serious issues.
I'm surpirsed the outside auditors have not commented about this. I'm surprised no one complains at BOE meetings. Then again, with the attendance at BOE meetins I'm not.
There are no BOE members on the EM Finance Committee.
If your school district has BOE members serving on the Finance Committee
(posts say CM has conflicts) I suggest contacting NYSED, Suffolk County DA, John Hildebrand/Newsday. This practice is NOT supported by NYSED guidelines and raises serious issues.
many taxpayers of center moriches have complained about the board representing the audit and finance committee. the school board president said that they have they option of appointing themselves. knowing that several taxpayers have requested to be on the committee.
cm boe meetings is comprised of about 5 taxpayers attending same people each week with a few tagging in now and then. i hear cm is in for a big increase this year and may go to contingency. smart move by the board to do that so the incumbents get reelected and anyone challenging won't win cuz no one will show to vote on a budget.
The only parents the EMO BOE listen to are the pro WHB crowd. They could care less about the parents of our K-8 kids or the kids who attend CM or ESM. I've lived here for years and the bottom line is WHB or nothing. The real question is who are the people of EMO really like.... the WHBers or the people from the Moriches Bay area?
The people of the former South Manor SD have done very well since WHB kicked them to the curb. It seems to me that their educational opportunities have greatly improved, especially if you consider that they now control their own destiny. I wonder if they would go back to being tuition paying meal tickets for WHB if given the choice?
Rumor around town is that middle school principal Bob McIntyre is leaving EMO to take the Athletic Director at Bellport. Good move for EMO has he was very ineffective