when will they be announcing who is running for school board. the reason why i am asking is dave haney is saying with his financial background and his knowledge of the real way they calculate how much a tuition student is 10 times less than it should be. but to be honest, i would rather vote someone in who has kids in the district not someone who has no job and nothing better to do. he never has his facts straight. if he does run i hope he doesn't win. we'll be the laughing stock.
he also said that there is a good chance that the dreadful rita mattis is returning in don james' position and he's all for it. now if he had kids in the school when she was here, he would know how hated she really was. and the issues shes caused.
No matter what the numbers show on our tax increase, I'm voting it down. I simply can't afford the outrageous spending by the board of ed. How about cutting back like the rest of us have.
why am i hearing that the boe is deciding not to put up a budget to vote on but go right to austerity. if they do this let's hope they ask the administration and teachers to take a pay cut. we simply can not afford their high salaries anymore.
What happened to the 4 million in reserve? How about the loan?
Tax rate increase could be HUGE 10%-20% because of the cuts on the revenue side of the budget (state aid).
It's going to play out like this, the BOE won't tell you the tax rate increase but you'll know when the tax bill arrives in December. The BOE will blame NYS for cuts to state aid.
Where is the Finance Committee? BOE dropped the ball and failed to plan ahead like other districts, everyone knew about reduction in state aid.
I do not see the point of speculating about the tax rate.....lets wait and see what the board does (that is the job we elected them to do) before getting worked up about taxes. When is the time frame for release of the proposed budget?
everyone should be worked up about the taxes. anymore higher and we won't be able to live in this district anymore. the high school and property taxes are keeping families from moving here and many homes are in foreclosure or up for sale because they simply can not afford to live here .