i agree that there should be changes in our schools. i work for the district and have been in many of the schools. MANY teachers spend a good portion of the day socializing over coffee! they stand in the hallways and chit chat- often making disparaging remarks about the students and parents! they come in just before school starts and leave right after the kids are on the bus. it is rare to see teachers carry home anything more than a designer purse or jacket. when there are special events to prepare for, they may leave the class to shop for refreshments or whatever. these teachers are not doing the jobs they were hired for, or ARE CURRENTLY BEING PAID FOR! also, these training programs are a waste of taxpayer or state money. the kids get nothing from them. i have seen this first hand! we need to go back to basics!! i think merit pay and many other ideas that unions have trouble with are the way to go. what's standing in the way of great change? UNIONS! get rid of them!!