I can't pay any more increases in school taxes. It's pushing everyone out of Center Moriches. Enough with the overspending. Times are tough!! Cut back on expenses and eliminate some sports programs and other non educational activities.
I can't believe we have to wait for the next BOE meeting to find out the Tax increase! They could have held a special meeting for the Superintendents report.
i heard that the tax rate is going to be arounf 4 percent. why is it that every year we have to keep raising our spending. i simply can't afford it anymore!! i have to do more with less why can't the school do the same. i'm voting no on this years budget. i just can't afford it any more. our school is pushing people out of this town with their spending.
Now the BOE and Super will start saying that if the budget is turned down then it will cost us more! We only had 8 EM Freshmen last year . Does anyone know how many are committed for this year ? OR - IF CM is even a choice anymore ?
WE are getting the $485,000 refund from the busing issue from 2005 ( the year of 38%) HELLOOOO ! They are NOT holding the line at $325,000 or .95% The Truth is they are holding the line on spending at $810,000 dollars !
They are NOT representing the truth when they print things like "spending has only increased 1.65% in 5 years! The truth is we were hit with almost 4% last year and almost 4% this year ! HMMMMMMM almost 8% in two years.....