RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the following resignations:
Name Position Effective Date (At the Close of Business) Zachary Camarda AIS Tutor 03/31/09
7. Retirement
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the retirement of:
Name Position Effective Date (At the Close of Business) James Heitz Elementary Music Teacher 06/30/09
8. Leaves of Absence
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following leave(s) of absence which are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Center Moriches FMLA policy:
Name Position/Building Effective Date Annemarie Magee Elementary Teacher/Grade 1 04/21/08-06/30/09 (tentative)
9. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff
The District recently advertised for candidates to fill various teacher and support staff vacancies for 2008-2009. Candidates were interviewed by committees, building principals, and/or the superintendent.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following appointments:
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building John Allen AIS and Grant Support 02/26/09 DO Zachary Camarda Math Saturday Academy 01/24, 31/09 02/07, 28/09 03/07/09 MS Joseph Holmes Purchasing Technician 02/16/09-06/30/09 DO Maria Kreuscher HS Talent Show Chaperone 03/27/09 HS Leslie Murray HS Talent Show Chaperone 03/27/09 HS Alison Petretti HS Talent Show Chaperone 03/27/09 HS
10. Disposition of Records and Equipment
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the disposition of records and equipment.
11. Monthly Activity Report
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the Activity Treasurer’s Report for the month of January 2009.
12. Treasurer’s Report
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the Treasurer’s Report for the month of December 2008.
13. Purchasing Agent
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves Carol Perkins as a purchasing agent for the school district effective February 27, 2009.
14. Budget Workshop Meetings and Board of Education Meetings
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following Budget Workshops:
Board of Education Meetings Budget Workshop Public Session 6:30 p.m. Public Session 6:30 p.m.
March 4, 2009* March 11, 2009 March 18, 2009* April 1, 2009* April 15, 2009* May 6, 2009 – Budget Hearing
* Budget workshop will take place on that evening.
15. Building Use Summary
Building use forms for upcoming activities.
16. Adjournment
It is likely that the Board of Education will move to enter into Executive Session immediately upon adjournment of Public Session.