On April 1st I went to my very first board of ed meeting. I am appalled at the pay increases that are being proposed for the superintendent of school in these hard economic times. Is it necessary to give the super yet another hefty pay raise especially an additional $31,850 pay increase to where the superintendent is making well over $330,000 ? Why not propose a pay freeze across the board so we can educate our children and provide them with more programs ? This proposal is out of line and taxpayers should be outraged as I am. Every year Since our Superintendent has been in our district he has gotten a pay increase !! First years was over $60,000 pay increase !! What is our board thinking if they approve this? This years budget vote on may 19th should be voted down just on principal. Why all the increases in salary in the schools administration ?
It's time that the taxpayers in this town get off their duffs and go to a board meeting. There doesn't seem to be any accountablility on spending.
Welcome to the world of Joe McH spending! spend, spend, spend,spend,spend!
He pushed varsity football after one year because he knew there wouldn't be any money for varsity LaCrosse and Tennis ! They are going into their fourth seasons and the senior classmen won't be eligible to play?
AND : They are buying a new truck even though it was "cut from the budget" last May!
it's funny how the taxpayers vote blindly not knowing what the board of ed is doing. especially giving the superintendent and his administration big raises. and to boot everyone is in an economic stronghold and are tighening up their spending. Bsuinesses are closing their doors, companies are asking that their employees take leave without pay or take a pay cut but our board of ed is giving away the farm . wtf!!! they should all have to take a pay cut and a pay increase FREEZE !!
On April 1st I went to my very first board of ed meeting. I am appalled at the pay increases that are being proposed for the superintendent of school in these hard economic times. Is it necessary to give the super yet another hefty pay raise especially an additional $31,850 pay increase to where the superintendent is making well over $330,000 ? Why not propose a pay freeze across the board so we can educate our children and provide them with more programs ? This proposal is out of line and taxpayers should be outraged as I am. Every year Since our Superintendent has been in our district he has gotten a pay increase !! First years was over $60,000 pay increase !! What is our board thinking if they approve this? This years budget vote on may 19th should be voted down just on principal. Why all the increases in salary in the schools administration ?
It's time that the taxpayers in this town get off their duffs and go to a board meeting. There doesn't seem to be any accountablility on spending.
Let me clarify what you heard at the Board of Education Meeting that you may have understood or took out of context. The $30,000 plus raise you may be referring to is Not all of Dr James' Salary. The Raise also incudes The secretary for Dr James and The Front Desk Administrator and other Office Personnel. So rest easy that Dr James is NOT getting a $30,000 lump increase. That money is divided among office personnel. If you need further clarification, please attend the next Board of Education meeting on April 15.