Isn't it Great how CM has painted a purple line in HONOR of our survivors of Cancer !
Come Join our Community Relay for Life on June 13 @ noon
AM ER ICAN CANCER SOCIETY R ELAY F O R LIF E R egister o nline: www.relayfo rlife.o rg/centerm o richesN Y fo r info co ntact A merica n C a ncer So ciety staff pa rtner G ail Tu o hey 631-300-3144 1 .800. ACS.234 5 w w w .ca n cerca re.o rg H ope.P rog ress.An sw ers ® R E LA Y FO R LIFE O F C E N TE R M O R IC H E S June 13th, 2009 C enter M oriches High Scho o l 311 Fro w ein R d., C enter M oriches Opening C erem onies 12:00 N o o n Su rvivo r L u nch 12:20 P M L um ina ry C erem o ny 9:30 P M Final L ap 11:45 P M HOPE
JUNE 13th Noon till midnight. If you are not on a team , you are welcome to get a guest bracelet and come join the fun and make a donation to rid this world of cancer!