i don't live in center moriches but i do read the south shore press. kelly came out with some good points and proposals in her letter to the editor. good for her. if i lived in center, she would have my vote. she's the only one through out the years that has been telling taxpayers the truth. i think it's time for a change in center. taxpayers in center moriches should wake the hell up. especially their pta coffee clotchers who think JM is a god and their savior.
Kelly was invited down by several people from the Holiday Beach area to come an mingle and discussed what school district stuff. She was very informative about the budget and the happenings in the dsitrict. She is a breathe of fresh air and i know she will do great on the board. 3 supporters that were there said that their signs for Kelly were taken from their front lawn on Old Neck Road. Now what idiot would do a thing like that. Someone must feel threatened by her.
-- Edited by CenterMorichesTaxpayers on Wednesday 12th of May 2010 06:47:09 AM
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