RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the following name change:
Former Name Current Name Effective Date Kiera Freeburg Kiera Gaudioso 09/14/09
7. Resignation
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the following resignations: 12/16/09
7. Resignation (continued)
Name Position Effective Date (At the Close of Business) Jacquleine Esp Poospatuck Community Reservation Liaison 01/03/10 Matthew LeStrange High School Principal 01/01/10
8. Substitutes: 2009-2010 School Year
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education appoints the following individuals as substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year, as follows:
Name Type/Building Effective Date Lisa Brendel Per Diem Substitute District Wide 12/21/09-06/30/10 Jodi Cameron Long-Term Substitute Teacher 12/14/09 – until no longer needed, but no later than 06/30/10 Jennifer Farrell Per Diem Substitute Elementary 11/18/09-06/30/10 Jeanette Mundell Per Diem Substitute Elementary 12/02/09-06/30/10 Carmella Palumbo Per Diem Substitute Elementary 12/21/09-06/30/10 Jonathan Porter Per Diem Substitute Secondary 12/17/09-06/30/10 Gail Sciarrone Per Diem Substitute District Wide 12/17/09-06/30/10 Michael Zimbler Per Diem Substitute District Wide 12/17/09-06/30/10
9. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff
The District recently advertised for candidates to fill various teacher and support staff vacancies for 2009-2010. Candidates were interviewed by committees, building principals, and/or the superintendent.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following appointments:
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building Deborah Adelwerth Elementary Holiday Concert Chaperone 12/21/09 Elem
9. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff (continued)
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building Michael Bendfeldt Part-Time Maintenance Mechanic I 12/18/09 DW Carrie DeGaro Substitute Recess/Lunch Monitor 12/14/09-06/30/10 Elem Jillian Fournier MS Concert Chaperone 12/10/09 MS Jillian Fournier Elementary Music Instrumental Advisor 2009-2010 Elem Michael Gerhauser Holiday Parade Chaperone 12/12/09 HS Virginia Greene Substitute Reservation Tutor 12/14/09-06/30/10 DW Marie James Substitute Paraprofessional 12/14/09-06/30/10 DW Joy Montecalvo Elementary Holiday Concert Chaperone 12/21/09 Elem Byron Preston Holiday Parade Chaperone 12/12/09 HS Byron Preston Elementary Holiday Concert Chaperone 12/21/09 Elem William Wegener Elementary Holiday Concert Chaperone 12/21/09 Elem Cheryl Wieser Elementary Holiday Concert Chaperone 12/21/09 Elem
10. Salary Moves
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following salary moves on the salary schedule, effective September 1, 2009:
Names From To Emily Sloane H/22 I/22
11. Salaries
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following salary changes, effective December 17, 2009:
Substitute Paraprofessionals $12/hr; and Substitute Clerical Workers $12/hr. 12/16/09
12. Emergency Repair – Repair Reserve Transfer
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the transfer in the amount of $3,450 from the repair reserve for an emergency repair to the primary water service line at Clayton Huey Elementary School.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts, as well as at the established cost contained in said contracts:
Anderson School (2009-2010); Donald James Contract Extension (2010-2011); Just Kids (2009-2010); Judge Rotenberg (2009-2010); Metro Therapy (2009-2010); The New Interdisciplinary (2009-2010); and Paraprofessional Contract (2009-2014).
14. Payment Authorization
The Board of Education has appointed an Independent Claims Auditor to review bills and authorize the processing of payment during the period between Board of Education meetings.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the report by the Independent Claims Auditor for the month of November 2009 and authorizes payment of the monthly bills listed on Warrants for the month of November 2009, as audited by the Independent Claims Auditor as follows:
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the Treasurer’s Report for the months of September, October, and November 2009.
16. Board of Education Goals (2009-2010)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the 2009-2010 Board of Education goals as follows: 12/16/09
16. Board of Education Goals (2009-2010) (continued)
The Board of Education takes very seriously its vision and goals development for our schools. Based on the direction the District has taken over the last decade, community input, recent academic progress made, and the Superintendent’s continued push to raise expectations for student achievement, the following goals were established:
Curriculum and Instruction o Continue to expand and accelerate the curriculum alignment and articulation process in Grades kindergarten through 12 resulting in increased student achievement at all levels. o Where appropriate, support the implementation of various local, regional and national academic programs such as science competitions, debate and mock trial competitions, math leagues, etc. o Adopt a community service exit criteria component for the high school. o Support the analysis of instructional programs such as Advanced Placement, Syracuse University Project Advance, college entrance preparation programs, Parent Child Home Program, Reading Recovery, etc., and provide the necessary support for increased efficacy of said programs. Budget, Finance and Facilities § Budget o Develop a fiscally conservative budget that helps maintain the integrity of Center Moriches programs and aligns with the community’s expectations; § Identify areas within the budget for targeted analysis longitudinally (i.e. legal, medical, insurance premiums, teacher stipends, etc.). § Legislative and Political Advocacy o Seek to increase revenues by working collaboratively with local and state officials and related organizations such as the Nassau/Suffolk School Boards’ Association, the New York State School Boards’ Association, Reform Educational Financing Inequities Today (REFIT), etc. and by analyzing and promoting greater grant opportunities. § Capital Improvements o Develop a five-year facilities improvement plan for the District with subsequent plans to address the areas identified. § Complete Clayton Huey cafeteria, kitchen, and library construction projects; § Identify additional projects necessary to continue upgrading school facilities. Public Relations and Communication · Continue to improve the District’s public relations and communications procedures both internally and externally and make the necessary adjustments to insure effective dispersion of meaningful and accurate information to the community at large. · Make the necessary adjustments to insure effective dispersion of meaningful and accurate information to the community at large, including, but not limited to, the district calendar, the District News and The Press of Manorville and the Moriches. 12/16/09
16. Board of Education Goals (2009-2010) (continued)
· Encourage 100% faculty membership in the Center Moriches PTA and SEPTA to more fully integrate and support key members of the learning community. · Revise and/or develop, where needed, new information sharing strategies to assure targeted audiences are aware of the outstanding programs and opportunities available to all students that attend the Center Moriches School District. · Celebrate Successes · Support additional Board of Education celebration of student and staff successes such as: Where Are They Now?; Awards of Excellence; Academic Achievement Awards, etc. Board of Education Policy · Review, evaluate, and begin complete revision of the current Board of Education policy book. · Enforce Board of Education policies related to use of cell phones, instant messaging devices, iPods, Mp3 players, hand-held games, and any and all other unofficial electronics in schools. Personnel § Cultural Diversity o Acquire and maintain a culturally diverse teaching and support staff. o Investigate programs designed to support culturally diverse students so they have the opportunity to pursue a career in the field of education. o Investigate, facilitate and attend where appropriate, cultural awareness programs. Technology · Evaluate administrative and security technology in light of recent improvements to district-wide technology infrastructure. · Develop a suggested list of improvements and related cost savings which may now be implemented utilizing the new technology infrastructure.
Environmental Awareness
· Complete the Energy Efficiency Upgrade proposed by Ameresco, which includes upgrading the District’s lighting to state-of-the-art energy efficient lighting, heating control units as well as window and door upgrades, along with the installation of energy-producing wind mills. · Foster environmental consciousness, decrease the amount of paper produced in the District and encourage the continuation and expansion of an aggressive recycling program. · Continue and expand where appropriate the energy conservation program currently in place in the District. · Support the District’s inclusion in the “Green Schools” program.
17. Committee Charge – Audit/Finance 2009-2010
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following 2009-2010 charge for the Audit/Finance Committee:
Audit Authority
Pursuant to resolution number 12, dated November 1, 2006, the Board of Education of the Center Moriches Union Free School District has established an audit committee to assist the Board of Education in the oversight of both the internal and external audit functions. The requirement to create an audit committee was established by Education Law §2116-c. In accordance with the Education Law §2116-c (4), the role of an audit committee shall be advisory and any recommendations it provides to the Board shall not be substituted for any required review and acceptance by the Board of Education.
The Board of Education of the Center Moriches Union Free School District has established an audit committee to provide independent advice, assistance, and recommendations to the Board in the oversight of the internal and external audit functions of the district.
Composition and Requisite Skills
The Center Moriches Union Free School District Audit/Finance Committee is comprised of five (5) members. The committee is established as a Board of Education Advisory Committee and is comprised of the Board of Education.
The committee members collectively must possess knowledge in accounting, auditing, financial reporting, and school district finances needed to understand and evaluate the school district’s financial statements, the external audit and the district’s internal audit activities. Accordingly, committee members appointed from the community at large should:
· Possess the requisite knowledge necessary to understand technical and complex financial reporting issues; · Have the ability to communicate with auditors, public finance officers, and the school board; and · Be knowledgeable about internal controls, financial statement audits, and management/operational audits.
Duties and Responsibilities
The duties and responsibilities of the Center Moriches Union Free School District Audit Committee include the following: 12/16/09
External Audit Focus · Provide recommendations regarding the selection of the external auditor to the Board of Education. · Meet with the external auditor prior to commencement of the audit to, among other things, review the engagement letter. · Review and discuss with the external auditor any risk assessment of the district’s fiscal operations developed as part of the auditor’s responsibilities under governmental auditing standards for a financial statement audit and federal single audit standards, if applicable. · Receive and review the draft annual audit report and accompanying draft management letter, including the external auditor’s assessment of the district’s system of internal controls, and, working directly with the external auditor, assist the Board of Education in interpreting such documents. · Review corrective action plan developed by the school district.
Internal Audit Focus · Assist in the oversight of the internal audit function, including developing and reviewing the annual internal audit plan to ensure that highrisk areas and keycontrol activities are periodically evaluated and tested, and reviewing the results of internal audit activities. · Review significant recommendations and findings of the internal auditor. · Monitor implementation of the internal auditor’s recommendations by management. · Participate in the evaluation of the performance of the internal audit function.
Name Position Effective Date (At the Close of Business) Jacquleine Esp Poospatuck Community Reservation Liaison 01/03/10 Matthew LeStrange High School Principal 01/01/10
The Center Moriches Union Free School District Audit/Finance Committee is comprised of five (5) members. The committee is established as a Board of Education Advisory Committee and is comprised of the Board of Education.
The Center Moriches Union Free School District Audit/Finance Committee is comprised of five (5) members. The committee is established as a Board of Education Advisory Committee and is comprised of the Board of Education.