5. Minutes – Special Meeting of April 6, 2010 Regular Meeting of April 7, 2010
6. Leave of Absence
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following leave(s) of absence which are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Center Moriches FMLA policy:
Name Position/Building Effective Date Mandi Kowalik Elementary Teacher 09/07/10-01/08/11 (tentative)
7. Retirement
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the retirement of: 04/21/10
7. Retirement (continued)
Name Position Effective Date (At the Close of Business) Kathleen Hopper Elementary Teacher 06/30/10
8. Substitutes: 2009-2010 School Year
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education appoints the following individuals as substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year, as follows:
Name Type/Building Effective Date Samantha Chappell Per Diem Substitute Elementary 04/26/10-06/30/10 Lauren Smith Per Diem Substitute Secondary 04/26/10-06/30/10
9. Appointments of Teaching and Support Staff
The District recently advertised for candidates to fill various teacher and support staff vacancies for 2009-2010. Candidates were interviewed by committees, building principals, and/or the superintendent.
Name Position/Subject Effective Date(s) Building Dana Buccos Substitute Paraprofessional 04/12/10-06/30/10 DW Jaqueline Goodwin Home Instruction Tutor 03/24/10-06/30/10 DW Loretta Manning Washington, D.C. Field Trip Nurse 05/25/10-05/27/10 MS
10. Disposition of Records, Books, and/or Equipment
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the disposition of books.
11. Payment Authorization
The Board of Education has appointed an Independent Claims Auditor to review bills and authorize the processing of payment during the period between Board of Education meetings. 04/21/10
11. Payment Authorization (continued)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the report by the Independent Claims Auditor for the month of March 2010 and authorizes payment of the monthly bills listed on Warrants for the month of March 2010, as audited by the Independent Claims Auditor as follows:
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the Treasurer’s Report for the months of February and March 2010.
13. Monthly Activity Report
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the Activity Treasurer’s Report for the months of July 2009 through January 2010.
14. Contracts
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the following contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, as well as at the established cost contained in said contract:
The American Red Cross Shelter (2010-2011); Carol Quinones Smith (d/b/a Reflective Teaching Practices) (04/01/10 – 06/30/10); Creative Tutoring (2010-2011); Crystal Investigations (2010-2011); Detail Carting Co., Inc. (2010-2011); Educational Data Services, Inc. (2010-2011); FilterFresh-Keurig (2010-2011); Hampton Bays UFSD – Instructional Services (2009-2010); HOPE - Health Occupations Partnership for Excellence (2010-2011); Integra Consulting and Computer Services, Inc. (2010-2011); Jericho UFSD – Health Services (2009-2010); Kinney Management Services, LLC (2010-2011); and SCOPE Education Services – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program (2010-2011).
15. Joint Municipal Cooperative Bidding Program
WHEREAS, various educational and municipal corporations located within the State of New York desire to bid jointly for generally needed services and standardized supply and equipment items; and 04/21/10
15. Joint Municipal Cooperative Bidding Program (continued)
WHEREAS, the Center Moriches School District, an educational/municipal corporation (hereinafter the “Participant”) is desirous of selectively participating with other educational and/or municipal corporations in the State of New York in joint bidding in the areas mentioned above pursuant to General Municipal Law § 119-o and Education Law Section 1950; and
WHEREAS, the Participant is a municipality within the meaning of General Municipal Law § 119-n and is eligible to participate in the Board of Cooperative Educational Services, First Supervisory District of Suffolk County (hereinafter Eastern Suffolk BOCES) Joint Municipal Cooperative Bidding Program (hereinafter the “Program”) in the areas mentioned above; and
WHEREAS, the Participant acknowledges receipt of the Program description inclusive of Eastern Suffolk BOCES’ standard bid packet and the general conditions relating to said Program; and
WHEREAS, with respect to all activities conducted by the Program, the Participant wishes to delegate to Eastern Suffolk BOCES the responsibility for drafting of bid specifications, advertising for bids, accepting and opening bids, tabulating bids, awarding the bids, and reporting the results to the Participant.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Participant hereby appoints Eastern Suffolk BOCES to represent it and to act as the lead agent in all matters related to the Program as described above; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Participant hereby authorizes Eastern Suffolk BOCES to place all legal advertisements for any required cooperative bidding in Newsday, which is designated as the official newspaper for the Program; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Participant Meeting shall be held annually consisting of a representative from each Program Participant. Notice of the meeting shall be given to each representative at least five (5) days prior to such meeting; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an Advisory Committee will be formed consisting of five to ten representatives of Program Participants for a term of three (3) years as authorized by General Municipal Law §119-o.2.j.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Participant agrees to pay Eastern Suffolk BOCES an annual fee as determined annually by Eastern Suffolk BOCES to act as the lead agent for the Program.
16. Budget Adoption -- 2010-2011
The Superintendent of Schools Donald James and Business Official Carol Perkins reviewed the financial and instructional components of the 2010-2011 budget. 04/21/10
16. Budget Adoption – 2010-2011 (continued)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education adopts the 2010-2011 proposed school district budget (Proposition #1) in the amount of $35,791,700.
17. Property Tax Report Card
RECOMMENDED ACTION: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Center Moriches Union Free School District approves the real property tax report card prepared by the district’s business office for the 2010 Annual District Meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of said report card shall be submitted to The State Education Department by the end of the next business day following this approval.
18. Capital Project
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education accepts the following vendors for the capital project:
Vendor: Removals: General Contracting Tri Rail Construction Alt. GC3 – Ded Plumbing Majestic Plumbing Alt. P1 – Ded Mechanical Central Air Corporation Electrical S. J. Hoerning Alt. E3 - Ded Furnishings HNE Equipment Roofing No Award
19. BOCES Board of Education Election
The Superintendent of Schools will review with the Board of Education the names of the five (5) candidates running for the five (5) open BOCES Board of Education seats. There are five (5) vacancies for a term commencing on July 1, 2010, and ending June 30, 2013. School Board President Joseph McHeffey will conduct a vote for the annual election of candidates to serve on the Eastern Suffolk BOCES Board of Education.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education authorizes the district clerk to record the outcome of the election and notify Eastern Suffolk BOCES of the results of the vote for the five (5) open BOCES Board of Education seats. A roll call was taken.
19. BOCES Board of Education Election (continued)
See the candidates listed below:
William Hsiang (Riverhead) Lisa Israel (Greenport) Fred Langstaff (Sayville) Sandra Townsend (Central Islip) John Wyche (Bridgehampton).
20. BOCES Administrative Budget
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education authorizes the district clerk to record the outcome of the vote and notify Eastern Suffolk BOCES of the results of the vote for the adoption of the BOCES administrative budget (2010-2011).
21. Budget Vote
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education nominates and approves _______________ as Chairperson for the May 18, 2010, budget vote and be it further RESOLVED, that the following details of the vote are also hereby adopted:
Annual Meeting Date: May 18, 2010 Time: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Place: Clayton Huey Elementary School Gymnasium Voting by: Voting Machine
Proposition #1 School District Budget 2010-2011 Absentee Ballots: Applications may be obtained from the District Clerk at the High School Office
Petitions: Petitions for members of the Board of Education were due to the District Clerk by 5 p.m., Monday, April 19, 2010.
22. Appointment of Election Inspectors
RECOMMENDED ACTION: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves the appointment of the following individuals for the May 18, 2010, budget vote, each at $9 per hour (except*):
Phyllis Burwell Alice Davis Rosemarie Delio Roberta Hart Gladys Hawkins Patricia Hughes Katherine Kleinpeter MaryLou Lemmen Catherine Mahoney Leslie Murray John Parrish Judith Ponticello* (paid regular salary; time over Dorothy Rosenman 7 hours = overtime) Theresa Seng Virginia Smith Frances Terry Winifred Thomasen.
23. Building Use Summary
Building use forms for upcoming activities.
24. Adjournment
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