Just heard that Kelly wanted to be on the committee to assist in interviewing for the New High School Principal, When it was brought up to JM that she wanted to be on the committee , JM said NO !!! Guess his ego is standing in the way.
kelly bruised his ego by telling people the truth. and the sex offender story he could have said something like we were unaware of this and we will send out a notice to district taxpayers instead of saying no comment. that just means he may have known about it . poor taste there joe
JM's ego was bruised because this time around he wasnt the top vote getter during boe elections. kelly chipped away at it. he should save face and just appoint her to any committee she wants to be on. community boards are suppose to be just that, made up of community people not all board of education members, like what he did with the audit /finance committee.
It's time that joe steps down off the board. if he is controlling who gets appointed depending on if people are drinking his kool aide , then his powertrip must come to an end. he keeps making al the worng moves with his control which resulted in dr james leaving. timing can at a good time for dr james when an opening resulted in his home town school. he was actively searching for a new school before the last years school year started. pat-med was one of those schools. rumor has it that joe wants to appoint another relative to a key position in the administration.